Every Plan Includes

Get 100+ features out of the box with every ArrowChat package

  • One-time Charge

    ArrowChat is a one-time cost with no monthly fees and no hidden costs.

  • Store Access

    Buy and sell mods, themes, and apps from our online store.

  • Technical Support

    Each package comes with at least 30 days of tech support tickets.

  • Instant Download

    Receive your purchase after download and be up and running quick.

  • Upgrade Any Time

    Start with any package and upgrade at any time with no price increase.

  • Software Updates

    This isn't the end! Receive free updates for at least one year.

  • Open-source Code

    You are free to edit the files within ArrowChat however you want.

  • API

    Access to the ArrowChat API to integrate ArrowChat in your site.

Frequently Asked Questions

I don't have a supported integration, will ArrowChat work with my site?

Yes. If you don't know how to code, you can simply enable guest chat only and no coding is necessary. If you do know how to code, there is a single integration file where you'll have to do some very minimal modifications to integrate ArrowChat into your site. We also offer professional if you'd like us to do everything for you.

Can I use ArrowChat with another language?

Yes. ArrowChat is extremely easy to use with another language. Some of our members have provided language files in our forums, or you can convert it yourself through a single language file.

What are the server requirements?

Please see our requirements page for a full list of server requirements.

Is the source code encrypted?

No. Everything is 100% open and editable to you with the exception of removing the "Powered By ArrowChat" branding if you did not purchase the branding-free option.

How many users can ArrowChat handle with my server?

This answer widely depends on how powerful your server is. We have dedicated servers running more than 1,000 online users with no problems, but shared servers will most likely be able to handle much less. We also offer push service to offload the bulk of work from your server to ours.

View all the FAQs